Sunday, January 29, 2023

Columnists Catherine Rampell And Mark Ballard Have No Knowledge of The Federal Budget and or Federal Spending According To Their Recent Commentary.

Washington Post columnist Catherine Rampell and New Orleans Advocate opinion writer Mark Ballard wrote related columns in the Advocate dated 1/26 and 1/29 concerning the GOP controlled U.S. House demanding the Biden administration to cut spending before they agree to raise the debt ceiling.  The House even passed legislation that would roll back spending already approved by congress since Biden's election.  The article rightly points outs that the GOP cannot stipulate what should be cut.

Both writers seem to be ignorant of the federal budget and federal spending because they enable the GOP talking points that the democratic party are the big spenders and that is an absolute lie and opinion writers should know that and inform their readers.  The Office of Management and Budget and the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) publish the official federal budget numbers which are available to the public and journalists and it tells the story how the GOP are the party of big spenders and not the democratic party.

Those in the media regularly publish the talking point of the GOP that spending under the Biden administration is out of control  and massive.  But the media lacks the character to report that total federal spending at the end of President Biden's first fiscal year that ended 9/30/22 was down 8% from Trump's last fiscal year of federal spending.  Total federal spending in Trump's last fiscal year was $6.8 trillion.  It was $6.2 trillion in Biden's first fiscal year.  The federal deficit at the end of Trump's last fiscal year was $2.7 trillion.  It was $1.3 trillion at the end of Biden's first fiscal year, a reduction of 50%.

In the past 42 years the largest increase in total federal spending for Presidential terms are as follows:  Reagan, 8 fiscal years up 75%;  Bush 43 8 fiscal years up 61%;   Trump 4 fiscal years up 46%;  Bush 41 4 fiscal years up 41%;  Clinton 8 fiscal years up 28%;  Obama 8 fiscal years 25%.  And going back past those 42 years the numbers change little.  In the past 60 years, year to year federal spending decreased only 4 times.  It took place 3 times on Obama's watch and one time on Biden's watch.  

During the past 70 years, the national debt increased during the following President's fiscal years in office at the below percentage rate.  Reagan 186%.   George W. Bush 105%.  Nixon/Ford 98%.  Obama 70%.  George H.W. Bush 54%.  Carter 43%.  Trump  41%.  Clinton 31%.  Kennedy/Johnson 18% and Eisenhower 8%.  Years of precedent and facts tell the story of a GOP that has a huge spending problem and the creation of debt, while the democratic party has been the most fiscal responsible party.  

The title of Catherine's column was, "Can Republicans Balance The Budget."  Well, facts and precedent tells us the last republican administration to balance the federal budget was Dwight Eisenhower in 1960, over 60 years ago so Catherine could have answered her own question.  During that same period of time two democratic Presidents balanced 5 budgets, LBJ balanced one and Clinton balanced four.  

Opinion writers and jounalists had many years to correct the GOP's talking points of democratic administrations being the big spenders but choose instead to enable them and publish the falsehoods.  In other words, their motto of informing the people is a fairy tale.  So, stay tuned to Politidose, your daily dose of political commentary to understand the facts.  

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Note:  All numbers above taken from the records of the CBO, Office of Management and Budget or the Treasury department.  The numbers that spell out the percentages have been published in previous Politidose commentary over the past 9 years.  The official government word for spending is OUTLAYS.  

Friday, January 13, 2023

The NFL: Another Non-Competitive Regular Season in 2022.

 Only 15 of the 32 teams in the NFL completed the regular season with a winning record.  The low number of teams with winning records is not new and is well within the average per season.  This year no team in the south division of the national conference finished with a winning record and one team, Tampa Bay will make the playoffs with a losing record of 8-9.  In the American conference only one team, Jacksonville finished with a winning record of 9-8 in their division.  

And once again, the NFL has many  very poor coached teams with very poor records, year in and year out.  That is nothing new either and there are too few good quarterbacks in the NFL.  In fact, many do not like to admit it, but Tom Brady is still as good as the top rated quarterbacks despite his age.  The big problem is too many teams in the NFL for the available talent and a playoff system that allows teams who win nothing during the regular season to make the playoffs, including those with losing records.  Under the present system only the teams who win their division should be allowed to make the playoffs.

A more realistic competitive system would be an NFL with 24 or less teams with two divisions where the division champions would face each other in the Super Bowl.  That probably will not take place because money drives the system for the owners and the league.  So, the non-competitive NFL will continue to exist with lousy coaching and lousy teams.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio 

Froma Harrop's Latest Commentary Concerning Steve Scalise and The Energy Industry.

 In a commentary dated 1/13 published in the New Orleans Advocate, journalist Harrop talks about the misinformation given out by Louisiana's representative Steve Scalise concerning President Biden's alleged shut down of the energy industry.  The article comes from a national journalist who understands the facts.  The sad part is that Louisiana does not have any opinion writers for the Advocate who dare tell the truth about Scalise and the GOP's misinformation concerning the industry.

Louisiana's opinion writers enabled the GOP during the BP blowout in the Gulf of Mexico with their doom and gloom predictions when President Obama declared a moratorium on offshore drilling until some answers could be found.  There was no exodus of drilling rigs from the Gulf like the GOP and Scalise predicted.  In fact the U.S. became the world's number one producer of oil on President Obama's watch.  

There are many "Politidose" commentary on the subject that spelled out how the energy industry has always done better on the democratic watch.  There are just too many Louisiana opinion writers who run with Scalise and the GOP's misinformation and never call out their lies.  Not once have they written a story how Louisiana's employment in the oil industry hit its lowest point on Trump's watch in the past 30 years up to that point.  And of course, the GOP said nothing.

And that really says it all.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio  

Monday, January 9, 2023

The U.S. Economy, Job Creation and The Unemployment Rate for December 2022.

The U.S. Labor Department reported that the economy added 223,000 jobs in December and the unemployment rate came in at 3.5%, down from the 3.7% in November.  It was the 23rd straight month of positive job growth and the negative voices are still waiting for the negative numbers they have been predicting most of last year.  The pundits and so called economic experts are mystified why the economy continues to do so well.  The doom and gloom did not hit as predicted in 2020 so now, they are telling us it will occur this year.

The department also reported that December wages increased 4.6% compared to the same period last year and consumer spending continues to drive the economy.  After the Labor Department report the doom and gloom voices flooded the internet with negative comments about the coming recession, major lay offs, higher unemployment and a prolong economic slump in 2023.  And if that sounds familiar it's because they said the same thing about 2022.

In President Biden's first 23 full months in office (Feb. 2021-Dec. 2022) a total of 10.5 million jobs was added to the economy.  The numbers are the greatest by far in a 23 month period of any past administration.  And in fact, it exceeds   the total number of jobs created under Presidents Bush 41, Bush 43 and Trump in the 16 years they served.

It lends itself to the conclusion that the only sane party in Washington concerning the economy is the democratic party and President Joe Biden.  The same can be said about defending democracy.  And that really says it all.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Note:  The last time unemployment was lower than 3.5% was in May 1969 when it came in at 3.4%.

Tuesday, January 3, 2023

The New Orleans Saints Will Stay Home Another Playoff Season.

 Any time a team has to depend on another team losing to win a division or make the playoffs, you know they are in deep trouble and failed to take care of their own business.  That describes the Saint's season with one game left to play.  The larger problem for the NFL is no team in the Saint's division deserves a chance to play in the playoffs with their horrible records.  

The best Tampa Bay can finish is 9-8, a poor won-lost record and not suited to be given a second chance.  But money, not competition rule in the NFL.  As for the Saint's season, it was a wait and see season from the very beginning for reasons expressed in earlier Politidose commentary before the season even started.  New Orleans sports writers never saw it coming in their preseason predictions.  And after all the talk about the Saint's good defensive play they still lack consistent good defensive play.  

And when the regular season ends next week, the NFL will continue it's low ratio of teams with a winning record and the Saints will not be one of them.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

LSU Defeats Purdue In The Citrus Bowl 63-7.

It took place near the Magic Kingdom as LSU started the new year off on the right foot with a big win against an overwhelmed Purdue football team who did not belong on the same football field.  A win is a win but don't be carried away LSU fans, contrary to what some sports writers in Baton Rouge think.  It is not a road map to determine the outcome of the 2023 regular season and how the Tigers will perform.

LSU's national championship team in 2019 should have taught that lesson after the tragic two seasons of 2020 and 2021 which ended in the firing of the national championship coach.  Moving the goal post has also become a favorite of sports writers who credit teams with a 10 win season when they win their 10th game in a bowl game.  Records are actually based on the regular season of 12 games.  That is how playoff teams are selected and conference championships are matched up.  The hype gives sports writers something to write about but does not change the regular season's record.  

And for the record book, LSU ended it's regular season with a 9-3 record.  That is progress and something to build on in 2023.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio