Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Clinton: the inevitable president?

Hillary Clinton is running the perfect campaign. She has been flawless in the debates and is doing better and better in the polls. Her negatives are dropping and her positives are rising. She is now 22 points ahead of Sen. Obama and is only 2 points away from having 50% of democratic support. Mark the my words, if that happens, its over for the other candidates. Just getting over 50% would give a huge boost to her campaign. The money will pour in, as will some major endorsements. Her weak spot? Well if she has one problem it is Iowa and New Hampshire. She is not doing bad there, she is in a virtual three way tie with Obama and Edwards, but she needs to do well. If Obama can beat her there, he may be able to win the nomination, but if Clinton wins, it will be like a train going 150 mph, no one will be able to stop her. And I have titled this blog the eventual president, not the eventual nominee for one reason. I have a hard time believing that a republican will win in 2008. Clinton is in such a good position for a general election run. She is not far-left like Edwards or Obama, she is the moderate democrat. Possibly the most encouraging news for the Clinton campaign is that she is polling even, thats right, equal to both McCain and Guiliani in Texas, yes, Texas of all places. If she can appeal to the independents and anti-war republicans in Texas, she can win swing states like Florida & Ohio. Like her or not, when you watch her at the debates, or see her statements on her website, or hear an interview she has given, you just can't help but say, "damn", this girl is running the absolute perfect campaign.

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