Sunday, August 26, 2007

Huckabee's Charm

I've always said that even though I strongly disagree with his ideas and principles, I truly like former Arkansas Governor, Mike Huckabee, as a human being. While all the other GOP candidates seem stiff and unpleasant, Mike Huckabee comes of as a warm guy who one would just like to hang out with and have fun. Well now it seems that I'm not the only democrat who finds Huckabee likable:

"Is there a Republican in the field you admire, who you think might do a nice job?" Comedy Central host Jon Stewart asked Obama during his Wednesday night appearance on the program.
"I think some of these folks are decent people," Obama said. "I mean Mike Huckabee..."
Stewart then remarked, "Worst backhanded compliment ever!" - a remark that drew laughs.
"No, no, no," Obama insisted. "I think there are guys like Huckabee who I think are sincere and decent."

"Sincere and decent". That is indeed exactly how I would describe Huckabee. You might not agree with his positions, but you can tell that he truly believes in what he says and would always do what he feels is in the country's best interest. His appeal could have some real implications in the 2008 election as well. Once republican primary voters get to know Huckabee and get to see a little more of him, he could really pick up some momentum. I've said before that I think the Iowa caucus was his first chance to shine and he sure did. My advice to Guiliani, Romney, Thompson, & McCain: watch Huckabee, his like-ability might take him further than you think.

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