Wednesday, October 31, 2007

10/30 Democratic Debate Review-----Hillary Thrown Under the Bus

Wow, what an interesting debate last night. If anyone watched the debate, you know exactly what single issue the entire 2 hour debate was about----Sen. Hillary Clinton. I know I talked about Barack Obama coming out and highlighting the differences between him and Clinton, and he did indeed do that...and more. I'll start with that issue first.

From the first question of the night, Obama "laid the smackdown" on Hillary Clinton. And for the most part, for his campaign, his policy attack's on Clinton were effective. I might not agree with Obama at all on policy issues, but I'm glad he at least laid the differences out on the table. The only problem I had with Obama's, and for that matter Edwards', performance was that they began to personally go after Clinton. At times, both men basically called Clinton a liar to her face and, in my opinion, there is no need for that. As Bill Richardson said, Hillary is no doubt a trustworthy, honest candidate. Richardson went on to say that although he disagrees with Clinton on many levels, he trusts her and he knows she is honest and would never question that. Quite frankly these personal attacks by Obama and Edwards are sickening to me. They started to act like Republicans by attacking Hillary on a personal level. And I'm not just saying that because I support Sen. Clinton. I feel all attacks on a candidate's integrity, honesty, and truthfulness are wrong except when an issue is explicitly obvious. There is no evidence what so ever to back up Obama and Edwards' claim that Clinton is a phony and a liar. She has stayed true to herself for years. But, none the less, Obama and Edwards still did themselves good by going after Clinton----I just wish they had done it in a more respectful way. We should leave nasty personal attacks to the GOP. I don't want our party to become corrupted with constant, unwarranted personal attacks.

Sen. Clinton too had a good night. I will say, because of her being taken on by Obama and Edwards, she was not the clear winner of the debate as she was of past ones. I must say that I, as many, was surprised and confused by Clinton's answer on immigration. I don't think she was double talking, as Edwards' claimed, but I'm not sure what her point was. Other than that moment, Clinton held her own. It can't be easy taking a constant barrage of attacks for 2 hours straight. Despite the attacks, Clinton stayed strong and presidential. I think Obama and Edwards were trying to "draw blood" and fluster Clinton. But they didn't succeed. Just as well as Obama and Edwards dished it out against Clinton, Clinton convincingly defended her positions. It was ironically Chris Dodd, who is one of the tiniest threats to Clinton, who appeared to have flustered Clinton. If Obama or Edwards were able to do that, I may have been able to declare one of them the winner. I also must note that Clinton still appears the most electable in these debates regarding the general election. I talked to some moderate Republicans today who watched the debate and came away saying, "She's actually not that bad." Her tough, yet diplomatic, stance on foreign policy is possibly her biggest asset in winning in 2008.

As far as the other candidates go, there is not much to say. Joe Biden certainly had the best line of the night when he talked about every sentence from Rudy Giuliani going, "noun, verb, 9/11." Biden has been consistently good in these debates and last night was no exception. Dodd and Richardson were kind of "just there". Kucinich definitely gave me a good laugh when he admitted to seeing a UFO. Other than that, there was nothing that special about the "2nd and 3rd tier" candidates.

I'll close by saying that there truly was no clear winner. Obama and Edwards can be seen as winners for finally making clear distinctions between them and Clinton. Clinton can be seen as the winner for so effectively rebutting those attacks. At the same time, Obama and Edwards can be seen as losers for stooping to the Republican's low of cheap, baseless, personal attacks. Clinton could be seen as a loser for not clearly articulating her position on the immigration issue. I will also say that I was disappointed in the moderating. I knew from the last debate that Russert wasn't going to be any good, but I expected better from Brian Williams. Well, thats my rap-up. I am excited to see how Obama and Edwards will capitalize after a good showing last night and if Clinton sees a dip in the poll numbers after the attacks against her.

I look forward to hearing everyone's thoughts on the debate, please comment below.


Anonymous said...

Here's yet another married conservative Republican who got caught with a gay prostitute and resigned in shame. You know, Republican in Congress who are the worst gay bashers are the ones who turn out to be closet gays themselves, just proving the University of Georgia study which first came to that scientific belief.

Anonymous said...

I agree that there was no clear winner in the debate. That is basically the fault of the moderators who got off track and enjoyed seeing Obama and Edwards go after Clinton. They kept egging them on with questions that were leading. However, the debates are proving one thing despite the poor moderators. That is the democratic candidates overall are so much better then the republican candidates and have more to offer the country and the american people.

sarainitaly said...

Have you ever run for class president? You promise pizza and hamburger lunches, longer recesses, shorter classes, and no homework? But then you get into *office* and find out that the principal, the parents, the district, and the state laws all disagree?

That is what I feel like happened with the democratic candidates. Edwards and Obama stand up there and promise longer recesses, and no homework. Hillary knows that sounds like a good idea, but does not agree with it, because she knows it won't fly. She can understand Obama and Edwards making these promises/claims, but she knows there are laws, and realities you have to take into consideration.

That is what she basically said with the undocumented workers and drivers licenses question. She said that she can understand the governors need to do something regarding the illegal problem in NY. She doesn't necesasrily agree with what his plan is, but she sees both sides of the issues. On one hand, by giving undocumented workers a drivers license, you are, as Dodd say, giving them a privilage. However, you also get an official documentation of who *they* are, you allow them to be legal when they drive (because now they are driving illegally) and with a license they can get drivers insurance for accidents. You have to way the pros vs. the cons. (and if you read the Newsweek interview today with Obama, he says the same thing as Hillary, all the while calling her basically a flipflopper.)

The governor of NY is trying to figure out the best way to get a handle on the millions of illegals in New York City. This issue is way larger then just granting drivers licenses. It speaks to the bigger issue of lack of control of the borders/who is coming into the country, the lack of the paper trail for those coming in, and the reason so many are coming in illegally, and finding employment. So, what is better, for the immediate short term - grant licenses, or allow millions of illegals to remain undocumented?

Hillary answered the question. She didn't double speak. She sees both sides of the issues. She understands what someone wants, but also understands/knows the other side, the law, the opposition. Taking both sides of an issue isn't double speak, it is reality. You have to look at both sides, to understand the problem, and find the best solution.

If anything, I think she OVER answers. She knows too much. She probably watched Bill for 8 years trying to get things done, and knows that you are attacked from both sides on an issue, are bombarded with facts and figures supporting both sides, but you have to find that answer that does the most good, and the least harm. It is reality.

It is easy to make campaign promises, like immediate troop draw down, or free college tuition, or preschool for three year olds. But you also have to know the cause and effects of these programs and policies. And that is where I think Hillary has the advantage. She knows what happens once you get into the oval office. You have to fight tooth and nail in many cases, for those very promises you made. So, I think she is making promises she knows she has a good chance of keeping - not just promises for longer recesses. She also is realistic in promising to bring troops home. You can't just pull out 100% immediately, you have to leave carefully, leave troops for the embassy, and to fight al qaeda now in Iraq. They all know that, she is the only one who strongly makes the point.

Overall, I think the debate was good. I think Edwards made some good points, and had some solid answers. I still love Biden. He cracks me up, and is so straight forward. Obama still, to me, just seems too inexperienced, and he circles around the questions.

The top four - Clinton, Edwards, Obama and Biden all make potentially good candidates. The more I see Biden, the more I think how funny it would be to have a guy that talks like that in the White House. He doesn't mince words, that's for sure.

I still liked Hillary the best. I think she came across very strong. She was under attack, and they attacked her hard. I think she held her own and did exceptionally well. I also think it was good to attack her, so she can show her pressure under fire, and it is good practice for the GOP candidate debate. However, I will be happy with any of the four that receive the nomination. Anything is better then the republican party! haha

I keep hearing people questioning Hillary's elect ability. That is a dumb question. Of course she is electable. People just have to VOTE for her. Anyhoo, there is my 2cents.

Joseph Patrick said...

^wow, you said it perfectly. Please if you ever have a long comment like that again, e-mail it to me and if you wish, I will post it as a normal post instead of just a comment.

sarainitaly said...

Oops, sorry! I was a little long winded. hehe Thanks for the compliment though. I look forward to reading more on your blog, and I will definitely email you next time I feel the need to *unload* :O)