Saturday, November 17, 2007

The Key To Ending The War: The News Media

Yes, there is a way to end this unnecessary war in Iraq.  And it can happen rather quickly if the news media cooperates.  It was television journalists who failed to seek the truth concerning Iraq having WMD in the lead up to the war, mainly because they let themselves be intimated by the President.
This is what television journalists should do.   Rerun all the speeches Mr. Bush gave the american people during the run up to war in Iraq when he repeated over and over he knew for sure Iraq possessed WMD that were stockpiled and ready to use against america or transferred to terrorists.  Rerun his speeches over and over every night so the people would be reminded just how reckless this president was and still is.  Rerun all his speeches about Saddam trying to buy uranium from Niger and trying to tie Iraq to the tragic events of 9-11. 
Rerun the president's speeches when he told the people Iraq reconstituted its nuclear program and then talked about a "mushroom cloud".  Then rerun over and over all the other charges he made about Iraq that were completely false.  Journalists need to step up to the plate to make up for their own reckless behavior by promoting on their own that Iraq had these WMD.
Mr. Bush has always tried to change history and change the reason why he took the country to war in Iraq after no WMD were found.  Rerunning his speeches will remind the people of the real reasons he is so incompetent and the real reasons why he started this war and blatantly misled the American people.  And most importantly it will remind the American people why there needs to be change in '08.  


Anonymous said...

It's not up to the media to do the dirty work, but if the Democrats were smart (which they rarely show in an election year) they could use the president's own words against him and his party in the next election. Run his accusations that Iraq has stockpiles of WMDs, ties to Al Quida, etc, interspersed with information about the number of Americans killed in Iraq, the number permanently maimed, the cost to date of this war and the average cost per American in added debt because of this war. THEN, tell the American voters that, if elected, such and such Democrat would not vote as recklessly to go to war on lies as incumbent Republican so and so did. Tell them that they would not play politics or play out personal vendettas with American lives and tax money, etc....

Anonymous said...

The media is supposed to keep the american people informed. This is just another way to do it. After all they still broadcast the president's self serving statements on a daily basis.

Anonymous said...

It IS up to the media to broadcast the news. It's NOT up to the media to repeatedly broadcast the president's past speeches over and over again for political gain. If they do that, they're no better than Faux News. What Bush stated in his state of the union address six years ago is no longer news and especially not if you harp on it on every broadcast. I despise how Bush got us into this war but even I would stop watching any network that stopped reporting current events in lieu of past events. The networks are savvy to this and would never resort to such a suicidal tactic.

Anonymous said...

I did not see anything in the commentary where it was suggested to stop broadcsting current events. What gives?

Anonymous said...

I assume the writr did not intend for Television to run Bush's speeches all day and all night. They have spots where they could fit that in. As far as T.V. broadcasting old news they do that every day. Bush has been repeating the same worn out speech concerning Iraq and T.V. finds a spot. I think I have seen all the debates and the candidates are asked the same questions, Iraq, Iran, immigration and etc. And the big daddy of them all that has been repeated and covered for over 30 years, abortion. And to top it off, abortion is legal in this country. After 6 years Bush is still trying to convince the country that the war on terror is being fought in Iraq. Every one knows better but it still makes the news. That is my take on things.

Anonymous said...

My final word on this subject. Replaying old speeches from 2002 is NOT news. It would be an attempt to sway public opinion. In doing that, the news services would lose all credibility and would help establish as fact what the neocons accuse them of being, liberal news sources.