Thursday, November 15, 2007

Presidential Primary Season

The beginning of the Presidential primary season is just around the corner and in the near future we will know the Democratic and Republican nominees.  Hopefully the American people will take this process seriously and truly vote for the person they think can best lead our country into the future.
What the candidates say is very important even with their double talk.  Those candidates who presently hold office and those that did in the past will be saying things that don't add up when compared to their actual record.  The most important thing to listen for is what they say they will actually do if they are elected President.
Candidates who resort to personal attacks on character, morals, and family values and try to tell people what other candidates will do have a big problem.  They do that because they can't tell the people what they themselves stand for nor can they articulate their positions.
It is noticeable in the debates that many candidates spend their time attacking others and fail to inform the people what they are going to do if they are elected President.  The primary season is when candidates should inform the American people how they are going to handle the many problems they will inherit.  It is unfortunate the people will get no help from the moderators of the debates.  Moderators are stuck on questions concerning the past and not on the future.
Voters should resist when a candidate tries to paint another as unfit because of a single issue such as abortion, immigration, or religion.  The people also need to understand that journalists on the cable networks have to fill up so much time that they try to create issues that are not there.  They are really a sad bunch.
There is no one candidate on either side who is perfect and without imperfection, so the people will have to choose the candidate who can best lead our country for the next four years and possible eight years and reverse the calamity the nation has been exposed too for the past seven years.  Listen closely to the candidate who talks about the future and has the character to explain the direction he or she purposes to take the country.  Our future depends on it.

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