Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Can't People Take A Joke?

The media has gone crazy in recent days over a statement that the Clinton campaign released about Barack Obama wanting to be President even when he was in kindergarten. In all seriousness, can people not recognize a joke when they see one? Have we really become so stiff that when a campaign makes a joke, we can't just laugh at it and move on, but rather spin it into something its not? Aren't there more important things for the media to cover than this? After watching yesterday and today's lineup on CNN and MSNBC, that statement made by the Clinton campaign has gotten more analysis and air time than the intelligence report saying that Iran is not developing nuclear weapons.

In all honesty, you don't even have to be a Clinton supporter to admit that there is something wrong with that. Since when has a joke become more important than actual hard news? Is that what America and its media is coming to---where a joke has to be spun into some sort of scandalous controversy? Criticize Sen. Clinton on her policies as much as you want; thats fair game, but stop spinning every little thing that comes out her mouth into a scandal. And that doesn't just go for Sen. Clinton, that goes for any candidate. The American people have a right to know the truth about a candidate and what he or she says. Today, however, thats not happening because the media is just looking for a big story. And when they don't have a big story, or at least don't think they have one, they make one up. Thats exactly what they did here and this isn't the first time. It has happened to other candidates too and its time to stop.

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