Senator Chris Dodd's threatened filibuster against proposed legislation supported and asked for by George Bush and the Republicans in Congress to shield telecommunication companies against prosecution for cooperating with NSA on wire taps without a warrant and make it retroactive was the American thing to do. Senator Dodd, with his threatened filibuster, showed the Democrats how to handle Bush concerning his reckless behavior. The Republicans do not have enough votes to break a filibuster and Democrats in Congress need to use that tactic more.
As an American, one would think the telecommunications companies would be against this legislation because it opens up their networks to spying on their customers. They should be mobilizing their people and industry to tell Congress to stay out of the people's private communications. They should be totally opposed to having government spy on their customers without proper cause and authorization from a proper court.
It is so un-American for a President to have such a secret agenda. To give telecom companies immunity from prosecution amounts to a bribe by this administration. The terrorists successfully attacked us on 9-11 because Mr. Bush's mind was on Iraq instead of the threat bin Laden posed. Bush, like all Americans, knew bin Laden wanted to strike the United States.
The Democrats in Congress may not have enough votes to pass all their legislation and override all of Bush's vetoes, but they do have other means to deal with this President. The filibuster is one means. The other is to forget about being called "unpatriotic" by Republicans and do the right thing for the American people, especially concerning Iraq. If Democrats do the right thing, the American people will stand behind them. Senator Dodd did the right thing when he left his campaign in Iowa to come back to the Senate and let his voice be heard. I salute Senator Dodd for his actions.
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