Saturday, December 1, 2007

Nuclear Arms In The Middle East

I wrote a commentary on November 14 concerning Israel, India, and Pakistan having stockpiles of nuclear and other WMD and not being a part of Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty as other nations are.  Now it has been revealed through newly released documents from the Nixon Presidential Library, that in 1969, Nixon and his close advisers were worried about a nuclear arms race in the Middle East.  Their worry was Israel's development of a Nuclear capacity.  National security advisor Henry Kissinger wrote Nixon a memorandum and pointed out that the Israelis are probably more likely than almost any other country to actually use their nuclear weapons.  Kissinger also said this is one program on which the Israelis has persistently deceived America and may even have stolen from America.
That was 38 years ago.  Just think what kind of WMD arsenal Israel must have at this time and it is unchecked by the United States and the international community.  It is time for the U.S. and other countries to demand Israel open its facilities to inspection.  
The leaders of Israel are too unstable to have this unchecked arsenal of WMD.  They would just as soon put our country in harms way to further their own ambition in the Middle East and the world.  They use their military power with impunity and they continue to build and extend their settlements on Palestinian land.  Is it any wonder why India and Pakistan developed a nuclear weapons program?  And is it any wonder why Iran may want to have a nuclear capacity when Israel can use its military with impunity?
The United States needs to re-evaluate its foreign policy with Israel.  No more blank checks and automatic backing.  Israel needs to earn our support like any other country.  Israel's powerful lobby in the U.S. needs to be kept at arms length.  The leaders of Israel can not be trusted; they lie.  And for those who think otherwise about Israel, they should read the book, "Body of Secrets" by James Bamford and judge for themselves.

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