Saturday, December 8, 2007

The Rosetta Stone To War in Iraq (Part I)

The President of the United States, George W. Bush, knowingly misled the American people and ordered the invasion and occupation of Iraq.  That is an impeachable offense.  The President lied when he said:  (1) Iraq has stockpiles of WMD ready to use against America or transferred to terrorists.  (2) Iraq has reconstituted its nuclear weapons program.  (3) Iraq has mobile labs that manufacture chemical and biological WMD.  (4) Iraq is an eminent threat to the security of the U.S. (5) Saddam has a relationship with Al Qaeda and the 9-11 attack.
The Rosetta Stone to Mr. Bush's lies are found in the reports of David Kay and Charles Duelfer.  Both had CIA connections and ran the Iraqi study group in the hunt for WMD in Iraq after the invasion.  Both had weapons inspection experience.  After their exhausting inspections in Iraq they came back and said, "we were all wrong."  Iraq got rid of its WMD after the 1991 Gulf War, 12 years prior to our invasion.  Their findings were (1) Iraq had no stockpiles of WMD.  (2) Iraq had no mobile labs to manufacture WMD.  (3) Iraq did not reconstitute its nuclear weapons program.  (4) Iraq had no ready manufacturing facilities to resume such activity.  (5)  There was no evidence of a collaborative relationship with al Qaeda and the events of 9-11.
Since these weapons did not exist at any time during Bush's administration, the intelligence community could not have given Bush any proof or confirmation that they did exist.  That is why Bush nor the CIA showed the people any photographic evidence of these WMD.  President Kennedy, during the Cuban missile crisis of 1962, showed the American people, and the world, photographic evidence of Russian missiles in Cuba on their launch pads.  There were no doubts.
The President, lacking proof and confirmation that Iraq possessed WMD, decided to plant the seed in the people's mind that Iraq was involved in the events of 9-11.  Because these weapons did not exist, the CIA could not pass on any information to the U.N. inspectors, who were on the ground in Iraq, that revealed WMD, even though Defense Secretary Rumsfeld said he knew where they were located.. 
David Kay reported that the CIA gave him over 500 suspected sites in Iraq to inspect.  When he went over the list and report he was astonished.  Nothing was new or updated, everything was all old information with no collaboration.  The report was useless.  The CIA was clueless.  Kay and Duelfel also reported that Saddam still had the intent after the U.N. sanctions were lifted, but they found no evidence of a plan, people in place, or any structure to restart any weapons program.
Because Bush could not back up his rhetoric about Iraq's WMD, V.P. Cheney kept going back to the intelligence community and putting pressure on them to come up with something.  Because of this pressure, the CIA became political on the issue.  When no WMD were found, the President started to give other reasons why it was necessary to go to war in Iraq.  The gig was up.
Part II, coming shortly, will focus on the other Rosetta Stone to the war in Iraq and why Bush knew Iraq was not a threat to the United States.


Anonymous said...

Don't hold your breath waiting for the no balls Congress to do anything about Bush. It ain't gonna happen. They've had ample ammunition from the first day they took power.

Anonymous said...

The entire link didn't show. Here's the entire link in two sections...
