Monday, February 11, 2008

A Never Ending Debacle

The war and occupation of Iraq will be 5 years in March, less a month away.  George Bush, the President who started this mess, and Senator McCain, the man who would like to be President and supported this mess, are still living the same lie.  Both told the American people and the world that Saddam possessed stockpiles of WMD ready to use against America or transferred to terrorists.  However those weapons never existed at any time during this presidents's administration.
Our men and women in uniform won the war before it ever got started.  So why are we still there nearly 5 years later?  Well Bush and McCain give the same excuse as a reason.  After no WMD were found, it was the insurgency that everyone knew would happen except Bush and McCain; then it was the civil war between the Sunnis and Shiite, but no one wanted to call it a civil war; then it was al Qaeda in Iraq (Note: Saddam would not let Al Qaeda operate in any part of Iraq that he controlled while he governed the country); then it was Iran sending people across the border into Iraq; then it was the Saddam loyalists; and now, get this, it's the son of Moammar Gadhafi of Lybia, who was responsible for the devastating explosion in Northern Iraq that killed 38 and wounded over 225 people according to the Associated Press.  This attack occurred just last week.
These Republicans can not admit they were and are still wrong.  They continue making up excuses as they go along and are still in denial.  Neither one have character where it counts, in the heart or in their person.  Our men and women in uniform deserve better.  They won the war they were sent over there for, WMD.  This unnecessary war should be ended tomorrow and our troops should be brought home.  Bush and McCain like to use our troops to support their macho talk and all the while our troops are still paying the ultimate price with their lives over WMD that did not exist. 
Senator McCain likes to talk about being a Veteran and having that experience.  Well, McCain needs to look to President Eisenhower for some advice.  He was a career veteran, but was not afraid to speak out against the Military Industrial Complex and he warned the country about that problem.  The Military Industrial Complex has flexed its muscle in Iraq with the so called rebuilding of that country.  And now we all know, Congress has documented the billion dollars of waste with the no bid contracts of the Military Industrial Complex.  Much of the wasted money can not and will not ever be accounted for. 
Tomorrow and the next day and the next day and each day after that will bring more and more excuses as to why we are still in Iraq.  Our people knew why we were involved in WWI, WWII, and the Korean War; the reasons never changed.  The reason we are in Iraq was a lie and the reason we are still there almost 5 years later keeps changing.  And the man who wants to be our next President, Senator John McCain, keeps following along in Bush's footsteps.  Are we supposed to believe Senator McCain can really be a leader?  He has already failed that test by thinking that Bush was one.

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