Monday, February 18, 2008

Plagiarism? You Decide


Anonymous said...

Grasping at straws? You decide. Hillary has borrowed liberally from both Barack Obama's and John Edwards speeches.... Could this backfire on her, accusing Obama of something she is guilty of herself?


..."ABC: .... “plagiarism” charge against Obama—showed videos of Obama’s “just words” remarks, followed by Gov. Patrick’s speech two years earlier. Also showed Clinton borrowing Obama’s “fired up” line. More video showed Clinton likening immigration enforcement to tracking movies from Blockbuster– then showed Edwards making the same point five months earlier." ~ Johnny

Anonymous said...

Hmmmm... Interesting strategy by the Clinton camp to Alienate democrats in red states.

A co-chairman of Hillary's Michigan campaign has a line that's sure to drive a whole bunch of red state governor's up the wall:

"Superdelegates are not second-class delegates," says Joel Ferguson, who will be a superdelegate if Michigan is seated. "The real second-class delegates are the delegates that are picked in red-state caucuses that are never going to vote Democratic."

Joseph Patrick said...

Johnny, sure, Clinton has borrowed the "yes we can" line, but changed it to "yes we will". And sure, she has borrowed stories from Edwards, but not word for word.

What Obama did was not using someone else's phrase or story, it was retelling a paragraph, almost word for word. Just saying, he should have given credit. If words matter so much, they should at least be his.

Anonymous said...

Uhhhh.... Using lines from well-known Martin Luther King and John Kennedy speeches isn't exactly plagiarism when everyone recognizes the words. The only words he plagiarized (really an asinine accusation) were the words, "just words". Hillary used John Edwards speech about Blockbuster and immigration almost verbatim and never gave credit to Edwards. What she said is a LOT closer to plagiarism than what Obama said. ~ Johnny

Anonymous said...

Lets face it, the bottom line is the rush of the news media and the Hillary haters to elect any democrat even if that person has no experience. If Obama is the nomoniee and wins the general election the people will find out too late they elected another inexperienced president.

Anonymous said...

Lets face it, the bottom line is the rush of the news media and the Hillary haters to elect any democrat...


Do you think that the only way anyone can get votes is from "Hillary haters"? That's really sad!! Obama has run a very clean campaign, while Hillary has shown she'll do whatever is necessary to try and win, from asking the democratic party to break it's own rules on "unseated delegates" to attacking her democratic opponent on such trivial things as calling repeating of the two word phrase "just words" plagiarism. There's a reason that Hillary is sinking like a lead balloon. Her campaign style is part of what is wrong with America. Attack politics. Even if she were to miraculously make a comeback and win the nomination, she and Bill have driven a wedge between themselves and a large part of their party's core constituency. It's over boys. Time to get on the Obama express. ~ Johnny

Anonymous said...

The mass delusion on this wall is sad. Obama plagiarized not just 2 words but a style of delivery and a whole paragraph. The whole paragraph was brilliant. People thought he said it. He got lots of applause.
This is not the only example. Obama's whole campaign is recycled from Deval Patrick's. That's why Massachusetts did not vote for Obama in the primary, even with Kerry and Kennedy's backing. The man who ran on character and a new kind of politics is running on the manufactured success of Axelrod's method.
Barack Obama set a bad example for students everywhere by making light of his plagiarism. He should have known better. Wasn't he a constitutional law professor? Didn't he write two good books, according to those who read them anyway? Why couldn't he come up with something original? He may not be incompetent, but he is lazy.
I do not want a lazy, responsibility-shirking, flip-flopping president. I would rather take solutions any day.