Friday, February 8, 2008

POLITIDOSE's Beat The Press

Back by popular demand, (or simply because I want it back, you decide), it's POLITIDOSE's Beat the Press.  I have often been critical of the main stream media and pundits for their clear biased against Sen. Hillary Clinton and for whomever appears as her chief rival at a given time.  In this edition of Beat the Press, I'm going to look at two instances where MSNBC has been clearly biased against Hillary in recent weeks.  

First off, here is a video montage showing Hardball's Chris Matthews belittling Hillary Clinton and being just plain rude while gushing over the Republican candidates and Democrat Barack Obama: 

And it was just yesterday when one of my favorite MSNBC analysts, David Shuster, made an outright disrespectful comment of Chelsea Clinton, saying that Chelsea was being "pimped out" by her mom to campaign for her.  Here's the video: 

Seriously, shouldn't children of politicians be left alone?  Chelsea isn't out there attacking Obama or making policies.  She is campaigning on behalf of her mother, something I believe everyone can respect.  Just imagine the outrage if this comment would have been made about Obama's girls.  No matter how you look at it, this was completely inappropriate on behalf of Shuster and MSNBC.  

On the flip side, I would like to commend MSNBC anchors and analysts Dan Abrams, Rachel Maddow, and Pat Buchannan for what is mostly fair, balanced coverage and analysis of this campaign.  Chris Matthews, David Shuster, Tucker Carlson, and as of late, Keith Olbermann could all learn from them.  


Anonymous said...

The journalists at MSMBC really suck. They act like little babies who have lost their toys. The are in the same catagory as those at Fox News when it comes to be phony. They have disgraced their profession and contribute zero to educating the people during political campaigns.

Anonymous said...

There isn't a REAL news network still out there. Not a one, CNN included, has focused on some of this nations REAL problems. I saw an op-ed piece that said more questions have been asked in the debates about UFOs (3) than about global warming (2). The debates have become nothing but prepared stump speeches for the candidates, with no new or unexpected questions for the candidates. Global warming should be one of the democrats top issues with the difference of opinions on the subject between conservatives and progressives. The swing vote would favor us on this issue and it's being ignored.

Anonymous said...

Shuster's remarks are nothing compared to a comment made by John McCain himself during the last Clinton administration. Speaking to a friendly group of Christian conservatives, he asked if anyone knew why Chelsea Clinton was so ugly. He then said to a roar from the crowd that it was because Janet reno was her father.