Thursday, March 13, 2008

Geraldine Ferraro...Not a Racist; This Guy...Definitely a Racist

In case you were wondering, the above video is of Jeremiah Wright, Obama's "spiritual advisor", former pastor, and current member of the Obama campaign.  Wright has previously made comments that include saying that the U.S. brought on 9/11 itself as well as stating that blacks should not sing "God Bless America", but rather, "God damn America".  

Now let's see if the media holds Wright and Obama to the same standard they held Clinton and Ferraro.  After all, Wright's comments were undoubtedly racist and he is still on the campaign.  Ferraro's were not racist in any way, and she is now gone from the campaign.  Yet, tomorrow morning the Ferraro bashing will continue and this story will be largely ignored.  It's just another case of media bias.  


Anonymous said...

Experience before becoming president:

Bill Clinton - 12 years governor of Arkansas
FDR - 2 years state legislator; 4 years as governor
Ronald Reagan - 8 years as governor
Harry Truman - 10 years in the Senate
Teddy Roosevelt - 2 years state legislator; 2 years governor; 1/2 year VP
Woodrow Wilson - 2 years governor
George W. Bush - 6 years governor

Of course, we know that "experience" is what matters most. Look at some of the most experienced presidents of all-time.

Martin Van Buren 22.5 years experience before becoming president!!
James Buchanan - 30.25 years experience!!!
Gerald Ford - 25.75 years experience!!

So, as illustrated, you see two fallacies of the Clinton campaign. 1) You have to have a long history of experience to be a great president!! 2) If you're a black man with only 10 years of experience, you got where you are because of the color of your skin.

Someone correct me if I misrepresented either the Clinton campaign's political message on experience or Geraldine Ferraro's statement concerning Barack Obama.

Anonymous said...

This is not to correct you Johnny but to comment on what I have heard and observed from the campaign. I have never heard Clinton say her opponent has to have a long history of experience. What I heard her say is that she is the most experienced of the two. I take Ferraro's comment as saying Obama is where he is in the primary because African Americans vote in a block for their candidate regardless who their opponent is if the opponent is white. The vote proves that. She was stating a fact.

Anonymous said...

John Said: I take Ferraro's comment as saying Obama is where he is in the primary because African Americans vote in a block for their candidate regardless who their opponent is if the opponent is white. The vote proves that. She was stating a fact.


Here in Alabama, those exact same words could have easily have come from George Wallace himself. They weren't spoken by Wallace merely as an observation but as a warning to the "white folk" that the "black folk" was trying to steal the election by voting in a block. It's nothing more than race baiting and trying to get out the "good old boy" vote for Clinton.

I'm sorry that you're so blinded by your allegiance to the Clintons as to not be able to see that some of the racial rhetoric is nothing more than race baiting.

It's a shame that the democratic race has become so much like the republican race. Doesn't it speak volumes when the networks favorable to democrats condemns Hillary's tactics and Faux News is the network that defends them?


On to the original subject of this post:

Barack Obama: "The pastor of my church, Rev. Jeremiah Wright, who recently preached his last sermon and is in the process of retiring, has touched off a firestorm over the last few days. He's drawn attention as the result of some inflammatory and appalling remarks he made about our country, our politics, and my political opponents.

Let me say at the outset that I vehemently disagree and strongly condemn the statements that have been the subject of this controversy. I categorically denounce any statement that disparages our great country or serves to divide us from our allies. I also believe that words that degrade individuals have no place in our public dialogue, whether it's on the campaign stump or in the pulpit. In sum, I reject outright the statements by Rev. Wright that are at issue."

Anonymous said...

Words from another great American leader:

"A shallow understanding from people of good will is more frustrating than absolute misunderstanding from people of ill will." ~ Martin Luther King

Anonymous said...

Of course, we know two things to be self-evident. Hillary Clinton has been the victim of a media attack while Barack Obama has been given a free pass by the media and race has not been an issue in this campaign except by being brought up by Barack Obama and his campaign. I welcome you all to view this video as confirmation of those claims.

Anonymous said...

The latest Zogby poll should provide some sobering news for those who think the democratic nominee will win in a cake walk in November. McCain now leads both democratic candidates by 5% points!! Even worse news is that Ralph Nader is garnering 5% of the vote, mostly from disenfranchised democrats!!


Pollster John Zogby: “Nader’s presence in the race can potentially turn a lulu of a race into an absolute tizzy. The messages to Democrats are clear – number one, Nader may win enough support to get into the general election debates. Number two, what could be at risk is support among several key constituencies that the Democratic Party candidate will need to win in November, notably younger voters, independents, and progressives.”