Wednesday, March 5, 2008

The Path to the Presidency in the Eyes of Ickes and Penn (from

Today, Clinton campaign members Harold Ickes and Mark Penn released a memo concerning last night's victories for Clinton and the race ahead.  To read the full article, you can click here. But here are a few excepts that I think contain some important, key points:
-Ohio is the barometer: Hillary was successful in Ohio, the state that for the last quarter century has picked our president. As everyone knows: As Ohio goes, so goes our country. Historically, it’s one of the bellwether states and it decided the last election. And the demographics of the upcoming contests in Pennsylvania, West Virginia, Indiana and Kentucky closely mirror those in Ohio. Hillary looks strong in all four states.

-In recent years, every President has won two of the three following states: Ohio, Pennsylvania and Florida. Hillary has already won two of those and, according to all polls, is leading in the third – Pennsylvania.

-In the primaries, Hillary has demonstrated that she is the best positioned candidate to carry the core battleground states essential to a general election victory -- particularly the large industrial states of Ohio, Michigan, Pennsylvania and the critical swing contests in Florida, New Mexico, Nevada, and New Jersey.

-Several of Hillary's base constituencies (women, Hispanic, labor, elderly and under $75,000) are key to a Democratic victory in November. Senator Obama has not brought these voters out in the same numbers.

-Steward of the economy: Hillary Clinton leads both John McCain and Barack Obama on the economy and healthcare. In the latest LA Times/Bloomberg poll (1/22), Hillary leads McCain 52/28 on health care and 43/34 on the economy.

(NOTE: Bold emphasis added by me.)  


Anonymous said...

The results of Tuesday primaries make me think the people are starting to pay more attention to the positions of the candidates and that is why Clinton was successful. I also think the debates in Ohio and Texas were a factor and I thought Clinton won both. Just my thoughts on the matter.

Anonymous said...

Unfortunately, Hillary is playing the republican game of scaring voters into being insecure in their votes. Hillary turned off a LOT of potential Democratic supporters when she committed the cardinal rule of basically endorsing a Republican candidate over her Democratic rival. Anyone other than me hear echoes of Joe Lieberman and Zell Miller here?


Hillary Clinton - “I think you'll be able to imagine many things Senator McCain will be able to say. He’s never been the president, but he will put forth his lifetime of experience.... Senator Obama will put forth a speech he made in 2002.”

In essence, she's made a great campaign ad contribution for John McCain this November. Thanks Hillary for thinking about the party before yourself!!!