Saturday, May 10, 2008

The Next President's Greatest Domestic Challenge

The challenges facing the next President are many and severe.  The most important domestic issue for the President should be "The Greening of America."  That includes the environment, much less dependence on oil and gas, alternate fuels, conservation and technology to reduce the cost of living, and establishing a better quality of life for the people.  Those goals are reasonable and reachable if a determined start is made by the next President and made a priority. 
New industries and services will be created and needed to make America Green.  Those jobs that are created will replace jobs lost do to attrition and other causes.  There will be jobs that are sustainable because the Greening of America is no easy or short term undertaking.  Indeed, our lack of attention to the problem for so many years will not let this be a short lived industry.
A Greening economy will mean so much more to the average person then our standard economy.  In essence we will all be working to not only save our environment, but contribute to a way of life that we and our children have not seen before.  Can one image what eliminating the trash dumps across America by planned recycling will do?  And that is only one part of the Greening of America.
A Greener America is a cleaner environment for ourselves and our children and the future.  Less sickness, a cleaner work place with less injury, and a enjoyable atmosphere to live and play.  It will never be utopia, but it will be far better than we can ever imagine. 
Is this just a dream or wishful thinking?  The technology is there and at our fingertips, so it is not just a dream, but a reality.  No one ever thought we could put a man on the moon, but President Kennedy had the dream and showed the courage for our nation to venture into space.  He made it happen.  The next President can make the Greening of America happen also.  Dreams are what our country and its people are made of.  Lets go Green, America! 

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