Thursday, July 31, 2008

Energy Crisis: People Power For Change

The American people can not wait on elected officials or corporate America to bring about change in using fossil fuels.  The exorbitant increase in oil and gasoline has been going on too long while the President, government officials, and corporate America only give excuses.
We the people need to change and make the sacrifice ourselves in order to start the process of greening America by drastically reducing our dependence on oil and gasoline.  At the same time, we have to demand our government start to act now.
In a report out of the Times Picayune, the largest newspaper in Louisiana, dated July 29, 2008, an AAA survey of people in Louisiana show that 77% of drivers made significant changes in their driving habits.  Here is how they accomplished that:  (1)  Moved closer to work.  (2) Carpooling. (3)  Using Public Transportation.  (4) Biking or walking.  (5)  Buying a more fuel efficient vehicle.  (6) Taking fewer or shorter leisure trips.
Taking matters in our own hands will be a sacrifice worthwhile even though it will some times be hard and difficult.  The alternative is much worse, harder, more costly, and we should understand all that having lived with the problem.
Those who advocate more drilling are supporting the status quo and falsehoods.  The Big Oil companies have enough acreage in the U.S. that they have yet to drill on.  They are not working that acreage because there is really no shortage of oil or gasoline.  If there were, they would be drilling up a storm on this acreage at the record prices of the last 2 years.
We the people should impose on ourselves 60mph speed limit on the interstate system.  Let the saved gasoline sit in the refineries until the oil companies get the message.  The inconvenience of truth has already arrived.  Shame on us if we ourselves pass up the opportunity to do some thing about it and make a better world for our children and grandchildren. 
Remember when V.P. Dick Cheney met with representatives of the energy industry after Bush came into office?  The results of that meeting, what they discussed, and the decisions that were made are still secret today and the public is still in the dark.  If that is not enough to make the people face realty, what will?
President Carter took bold action and leadership during the Arab Oil Embargo that actually reduced consumption.  Reagan reversed all that after he took office.  Its time for the people to act on their own, because if one thing is for sure, we can no longer sit around and wait for the government to. 

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