Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Memo to Obama: Grow a Backbone

The following is from Mark Halperin:

He (Obama) then came back to the room where the children were drawing pictures. Stooping over a table, he autographed a number of drawings. The children were delighted; one girl held her picture to her cheek after Obama signed it.

As he left, a boy tried to give him a fist bump. Obama said no.
“If I start that …” his voice trailed off.

That's right.  Obama is once again bending over backwards to appease Republicans.  First he gave in on FISA.  Then on the two Supreme Court rulings last week.  Then he threw Gen. Clark under the bus.  He is now pandering to evangelicals by promising to expand federal funding to churches and faith-based initiatives.  And today, because some Republicans called Obama's fist bump  a "terrorist fist jab", among other non-pleasing names, he has stopped doing it.  

I've said it once and I'll say it again: I'm sick and tired of Democrats giving into Republicans on everything.  It's bad enough when it's on serious policies, but it's absolutely outrageous when it's regarding a freakin hand gesture.  

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