Thursday, July 10, 2008

Obama Caves; Clinton Stays Strong

As I've said previously, this FISA Bill did nothing but violate the basic rights of privacy guaranteed to every American in the Constitution.   There was and is no reason to grant the telecom companies immunity for breaking the law.  What's even more disappointing then the fact that so many Senators voted for it, was the fact that Sen. Barack Obama, the Democratic nominee for President, caved in to Bush's and the Republican's tactics and voted for the bill.  

Now I've read Obama supporters on the blogs claim that he had to do this.  That if he didn't, Republicans would tear him apart.  Guess what Obama-bots?  You don't beat the Republicans by giving in to their demands.  The "change" that Obama so often talks about will not happen if Democrats allow themselves to be bullied around by Republicans.  

What does make me proud, however, is the fact that Sen. Hillary Clinton voted no on this bill.  Sure, Republicans will criticize her for it.  Sure, Republicans will call her weak on national security.  But today, Sen. Clinton actually acted on the words she spoke of during the primary --- standing your ground and taking the fight to the Republicans.  

In this hour, the contrast between the Democratic nominee and the runner-up is clear.  Our nominee, unfortunately, doesn't believe in standing up for and defending Democratic values.  He'd rather appease Republicans and stay as far away from controversy as possible.  The runner-up, however, doesn't worry about what Republicans think or say about her.  She does what she feels is right.  

Even more interesting is the feed-back I'm seeing on the blogs from some people who were highly critical of Sen. Clinton in the primary --- in other words, they bashed her non-stop.  Some, like Sean Casey at the Daily Kos, see Obama and Clinton in a new light.  Here's what Casey wrote:

"Thank you Hillary - I appreciate you standing up for my right of proivacy and the Constitution. I definitely misjudged you. Two months ago I would have bet anything that you would have voted "Yea" and he would have voted "Nea". Sincerely - Thank You - and those who voted NEA with you.

Change we can believe in? It's a change, but not the one I expected. WOW!"

Now, with all this said, let me be clear: I still unequivocally support Sen. Obama for President.  Even though I believe he was totally unjustified in his lack of courage to stand up to Republicans today, he would still be a much, much better President than Senator McCain, who apparently feels free from even showing up to vote --- for anything.  

In conclusion, I leave you with the video of Senator Russ Feingold talking with Rachel Maddow tonight on MSNBC concerning the FISA Bill, why he opposed it, and how he feels about Democrats, including Sen. Obama, not standing up to the Republicans:

1 comment :

Anonymous said...

Ain't it a strange world? Today, you support Obama for president and I don't. If Obama is willing to cave in on the fourth amendment to the Bill of Rights, what hope do we have that he won't cave in on ANYTHING?