Saturday, August 9, 2008

Campaign Finance Reform Made Easy

Since we are in the middle of a Presidential campaign and fundraising is still going on by both candidates, lets talk about reform:
Senator Obama, after securing the Democratic nomination, informed the Democratic National Committee not to accept any campaign contributions from lobbyists or special interest groups --- a good move for the American people and for politics in general.  However, individual Democrats running for office can still accept campaign contributions from those groups and that has to be changed if true reform is to ever be accomplished.  

Senator McCain, the Republican candidate, on the other hand, does receive contributions from lobbyists and special interest groups and has had representatives of those groups on his campaign staff.  

To complete the circle on the Democratic side, every Democrat in Congress should announce that they will not accept any campaign contributions from lobbyists or special interest groups and will use public financing starting now.  No tricks, no gimmicks, no loopholes --- just plain old fashion common sense that no court can strike down and where the people can get an honest shake.  At the same time, the Democrats should announce that those groups will be seen by them on the same basis they see the average taxpayer.  Access to elected officials should be the same for everyone. 
The practice of taking trips with special interest groups or using their planes and lodging also has to stop.  If a trip is necessary, it can be taken by the elected official and his aids.  No special interest people allowed.  The average American would not mind the government picking up the tab if the fact finding trip is necessary.
Elected officials would tell you this is naive thinking and it would not work.  But of course it would work if elected officials had the backbone and character to stand up and be counted.  It is very simple: stand up for the American people; no legislation and/or debate is required.  The Democrats in Congress should adopt this approach and change the game while letting the Republican brand die with the present corrupt system of special interest.

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