Wednesday, August 27, 2008

John McCain's Pinocchio Nose: A Republican Symbol

The American people surely remember our inspectors in Iraq who said Iraq had no WMD stockpiled and ready to use against america or transferred to terrorists as George Bush said and in fact gave as the reason for the war and invasion of Iraq.  They also articulated that Iraq had no WMD at any time during Bush's term in office.  It is also easy to remember after our inspectors issued their report Bush and the neocons started to give other reasons for the invasion and occupation.  In other words, they told lies.
John McCain continued those lies on 8/26/08 according to a Fox News ticker which quoted McCain in answer to a comment by Obama.  McCain said the war in Iraq was to liberate that country --- just another lie by a neocon on why we went to war.  The neocons believe if they keep repeating the same lie over and over, sooner or later the people will believe the lie as fact.  Pretty soon Mr. McCain's pinocchio nose will be touching the ground.  The so called "straight talking express" has died a tragic death.
The past has always been a key to the future.  Over 50 years ago, President Harry Truman said the Republicans were a bunch of damn liars.  Well, 50 years later, they still are.  President Truman was not a seer nor did he have ESP, he just recognized a Republican liar when he saw one.  Some things never change.

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