Thursday, August 21, 2008

Senator McCain Steps on His Own Tongue

Republican Presidential Candidate McCain once again stepped on his own tongue when he said, "Obama tried to legislate failure in Iraq and failed to admit the surge was working."  It was McCain who tried to legislate success in Iraq over WMD when they did not exist.
The reasons McCain said we went to war was bogus so there can be no victory when the reason given for going to war proved to be a lie.  McCain, elected republicans and conservatives who continue to support this war in Iraq and continue to lie about why the war has to continue are a disgrace to our men and women in uniform who are still paying the ultimate price. 
If McCain's military experience is used to justify our occupation and war in Iraq for the next 100 years and is a window to see how he would act if elected president, that should be very disturbing to the american people and the country.
We have many veterans in public office but McCain is one of a few who truly have no concept of the serious consequences of committing our nation and military to unnecessary wars.  McCain is also one of a few veterans who try to talk tough to cover up their arrogance and character flaw.  Cue, what has Bush's tough talk accomplished?
The country and our people deserve better from the next president.  McCain's actions show he lacks the fundamentals to be president.

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