Sunday, October 5, 2008

A Message For The American People

Are the people really upset about the $700 Billion bail out of the financial industry that uses tax payers' money as the news media seems to be reporting.  If so, I wonder how much they are up set, or if it will be just a passing fad. 
The record prices for oil and gas the people have been paying for because of corporate greed and Mr. Bush's failed policies ---  have the people really changed their driving habits and are now willing to consume less gasoline and or purchase more fuel efficient vehicles or will the people fall back to their old ways once prices start coming down?
The government's latest report shows the cost of the Iraq war at $600 billion and our current President can't tell us when the war will end.  Will the final cost be a trillion dollars or more?  The tax payers are paying for the war also. 
President Bush's deficit spending when he leaves office will be over $2.3 trillion.  The tax payers are also paying for that reckless behavior plus the interest paid on the borrowed money to pay for the deficit.  The interest payments alone for fiscal 2006 and fiscal 2007 was over $400 billion each of those years.
So that the people, the tax payers, can get an idea how their tax dollars are wasted, add up all those numbers and just think what this money could have been used for in relation to the needs of the people.  Do some research and see for yourself just how reckless this administration has been with your money.
If we, the tax payers don't change the status quo and demand more accountability from government officials and demand responsible spending policies we have no one to blame but ourselves.  President Kennedy once said, "Our problems are man made, therefore they can be solved by man."  Are we the tax payers up to the challenge?  History tells us we better be.

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