Sunday, October 12, 2008

Time For Action

Both Presidential candidates and their party have attacked the excesses of corporate America, Wall Street, CEO's golden parachutes, and other extreme benefits to the wealthy.  It's a good sign but remember this is an election year.
If both parties are serious about this rape of America, now is the time for Democrats and Republicans in Congress to come together and demand, "no more."  They should put corporate America and their lobbyists on notice.  There will be regulation, oversight, checks and balances, and accountability. No more special favors and no more special access to members of Congress. 
The second thing both parties must do is review the tax code and eliminate all the loopholes that benefit the wealthy and well-off.  Loopholes and special favors do not get into the tax code by accident --- Congress put them there and Congress needs to fix it.
Reigning in the excess of corporate America won't be easy, but it can be accomplished if both parties exhibit backbone.  The time is right and the voting public should demand action and hold both parties accountable for their actions, or rather, inactions.

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