Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Reality And Fact: The Missing Link

There is a difference between reality and fact.  It is the common thread that is missing in the Republican ideology of  "trickle down economics" and corporate American's selfish version of wealth building.
Bush's tax cut favored the wealthy in the "trickle down" fashion like past republican Presidents.  The same can be said of their ideology of non governmental regulation.  They tried to sell this worn out approach as reality even though the facts have proved them wrong in the past and again even now.
Corporate America has the same problem with a different twist.  They like the big tax breaks and loopholes in the tax code and say they need that to compete and create jobs.  They too pass that off as reality but the facts say it does not work except to make their CEO's wealthier.  They never talk about the facts even when they are appearing before congress about the economic meltdown.  They still deny any responsibility. 
For to long, the people have disregarded the facts.  Republicans have been saying for 30 years that democrats are the big spenders and will raise the people's taxes.  That is their reality but the facts are it is the republicans who are the big spenders and get into the average Americans pocket in a hundred different ways.  This administration has proven that beyond a shadow of a doubt.
It is time the people make themselves understand the facts and put this knowledge to good use.   Remember, it is those who try to pass off reality for fact that live a fairytale.  Those who understand facts will make a difference.

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