Thursday, January 29, 2009

Hope And A New Beginning

President Obama has named former Senator George Mitchell and former U.S. Ambassador Richard Holbrooke as special envoys to the middle east and Pakistan and Afghanistan.  Both men are serious at that level and have vast experience and knowledge to implement the Presidents foreign policy toward those area's. 
The middle east and especially the Israeli and Palestine problem will be Mr. Mitchell's responsibility after 8 years of neglect.  Mr. Mitchell will engage the area and will be a priority for the Obama administration.  I will be surprised if Mr. Mitchell does not bring any thing new to move the peace process along.  His past record of success tells me a few surprises may be in store for both Israel and Palestine and that is a good thing.
Mr. Holbrooke's responsibility will be Pakistan and Afghanistan.  Theses two countries are now a serious problem and the status quo policy has to change.  Mr. Holbrook knows the area well and also its leaders.  He is a proven leader in bringing people together and finding common ground.
The appointment of Mr. Mitchell and Holbrooke is the first step in addressing a situation that has become worse and has gone on too many years.  The problems could blow up at any time and drag the U.S. into a situation that would not be in Americas best interest.
Hope is finally in the air in U.S. diplomacy. 

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