Tuesday, March 24, 2009

The Real AIG Story

Every one is up set about the recent announcement by AIG that they will distribute millions of dollars in bonus money to their executives.  Every one should be up set, but not because AIG is receiving the benefit of taxpayers dollars in the form of federal bail out money.  Although that is a good reason, it does not address the real problem that has existed for to many years.
The real problem is the systematic transfer of wealth from the average workers to their CEO's and executives in the form of exorbitant bonuses, stock options and other financial rewards that the average worker helped create.  They should have a stake in that wealth.  This massive transfer of wealth is happening while the companies say they are loosing billions of dollars.  It is also happening at the same time the average workers are seeing a decrease in their health insurance coverage, loss of retirement benefits and a shorter work week with less pay.
Many of those who are opposed to the AIG bonuses are the same ones who supported them over the last 20 years and actually defended those bonuses all through those years as the "free enterprise system."  Our country and its people are going through tough economic times and it is past time our leaders recognize the real problem with corporate greed and take a stand once and for all that the status quo is unacceptable.  Anything less is a betrayal of the American working men and women who give so much.

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