Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Torture: Another Attempt To Rewrite History By The Republicans

The Bush administration tried to rewrite the history of why we went to war in Iraq when no WMD were found and now former V.P. Dick Cheney is in the forefront of trying to rewrite the history of torture that occurred on his and Bush's watch in connection with the war on terror.  Republicans Mitch McConnell and John Boehner in congress along with former representative Newt Gingrich are joining the battle.  They introduced a new twist.  It is ok to torture as long as useful information is gathered from torture.  It does not matter to them that the U.S. is party to the Geneva Convention and other treaties that forbid torture, period.
Fox news and other cable news have also joined the battle and are trying to change the nature of the torture debate by accusing House Speaker Nancy Pelosi as being involved because she was briefed by the CIA on the interrogation being used.  She denied she was told waterboarding and torture were used.  It should be noted that the republican party controlled congress when congress was briefed.
I wrote in a post here when Karl Rove left the White House and went to work for Fox news he would be trying to rewrite the history of the Bush administration and the damage done to the country.  He has been doing just that on Fox news and will soon publish a book to do the same thing.  The torture flap is a continuation of how republicans operate.
Why are they trying to rewrite the torture problem now.  Well simply because information has been recently made public by the White House and the Justice Department.  Also former administration officials who were connected with the torture memos are singing like birds on national T.V.  The people who are responsible for torture and the use of torture are those who authorized the practice and those who knew it was torture and still carried it out.  Republicans in Bush's administration have a history of lying to conceal the administrations illegal activities and their operating in secret.
Nancy Pelosi is being used as a distraction from the real problem concerning torture.  Republicans will be in the mode to rewrite the history that happened on their watch for a long time because more and more is being revealed little by little as time goes by of just how the Bush administration operated and the damage done to our country.
Only cowards try to rewrite history and a lot of them are coming out of the wood work.  They are really a sorry bunch.

1 comment :

Anonymous said...

Good commentary. The republicans who are out in front in leading the party are leading them into a dark area of American history.