Sunday, September 27, 2009

Health Care And Medicare

The health care issue being debated by congress has spilled over to the issue of medicare. Those who are opposed to President Obama's proposed health care plan have put up every road block they can including alleging that health care reform will destroy medicare that has been taken care of senior citizens for many years.

Medicare has been a saving staple for seniors and others who qualify for the program and any reduction in benefits would seriously impact those that receive the benefit. Seniors also pay a monthly premium through social security deductions for medicare. Medicare plays a significant role in the life of seniors and allows seniors to have a better quality of life. Theywould naturally have concern if medicare no longer provided the services they have come to depend on.

The U.S. House on September 24 voted 406-18 to eliminate all premimum increases for medicare Part B for next year. Medicare is a democratic created program that was opposed by the republican party. Many in the republican party still oppose medicare. The bottom line is that no democratic administration will do anything to undo those benefits that have been taking care of senior's need for over 30 years.

1 comment :

Anonymous said...

All the public has to do is remember it was Mr. Bush and the republicans that wanted to make social security into private accounts. And it was the democrats in congress that would not let them do that. A word to the wise is sufficient.