Friday, September 18, 2009

A Wise Foreign Policy Decision

As reported in the Times Picayune, President Obama announced Thursday September 18 he cancelled former President Bush's plans to install a missile defense shield in the Czech Republic and in Poland. Instead the U.S. will deploy smaller interceptors by 2011. The President said the new system will provide stronger, smarter and swifter defenses of U.S. forces and America's allies to meet a changing threat from Iran.

The President said the new assesment of the Iranian threat required a different system using existing technology and that the new approach will provide capabilities sooner, build on proven systems and offer greater defenses against the threat of missile attack.

Republican critics do what they always do. They said the President caved in to Russia. They are so out of touch they did not even try to rebut the reasons given by the President for the action he took. The republican response is only the beginning of their opposition to everything Obama does concerning foreign and domestic policy.

President Obama's decision was a wise one. He knew the proposed missile shield if installed in Russia's back yard would start a new arms race with that country. Who needs a new arms race when the U.S. and other peaceful nations are looking to stop the spread of weapons of war. There is no need for the U.S. because of misjudgement to make Russia stronger than they already are.

The U.S. does not need another costly missile system at this time in our history. The people of our country need a new approach concerning our foreign policy and the President deserves a chance at changing the status quo. This decision by the President does not endanger our national security because the change in policy will rely on proven military technology as the President said. Costly new systems play into the hands of the Military-Industrial complex and those who love to talk tough.

As for the threat from Iran, that will be covered in a future commentary coming soon.

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