Monday, January 4, 2010

2010: The Second Decade Of The 21st. Century

President Obama's State of The Union address will start the ball rolling to kick off the start of the second decade of the 21st century. There has been a lot of speculation as to what the President will say and already the negative voices are trying to undermine his address to the nation.

The President will hopefully lay out a plan to put the federal government's house back in good fiscal order and to reduce the national debt. There is a precedent for doing that called the Clinton administration. The President also needs to develop and lay out a plan to reduce federal spending and reverse the trend of the last 3 republican Presidents. The precedent for doing that is also called the Clinton administration. When the federal government spends money it is important to spend it in the right places.

The U.S. withdrawal from Iraq should continue to move forward and at deliberate speed, the sooner the better. There should be no setbacks. The President also needs to find a better way to fight the threat of terror instead of occupying Afghanistan for the next several years like we are planning to do.

The administration should continue to do those progressive things that create a sustained economy and job creation for the people. The transfer of wealth from the middle class to corporate America has to be reversed and the workers who help create that wealth should share in the bounty.

President Obama and congress should show lobbyist and special interest groups the door and find other ways to reduce the obscene flow of money in Washington, D.C. All it takes is the courage and leadership of elected officials. No new laws are needed. The outrageous sums of money spent by the special interest groups should be used instead to create jobs and pay for their employees health insurance.

The democratic controlled congress will have to go it alone to move legislation as the republicans have already showed their hand in opposing every thing coming out of the administration. They want to see the administration fail so the people can forget about the failures of Bush, his republican party and the tragic results of their time in office. The republican mentality is anti American based on their ideology. They also see the country emerging from the economic and financial mess they created and the recovery will be on the democratic watch. That just chaps them.

The President needs to play out his campaign promise, bring about real change for the better, place the country in a sound fiscal, economic and job creating environment and see that the U.S. has policies in place that will deal with changing the attitude of corporate greed. Progress in Afghanistan should be monitored often so our men and women in uniform can leave sooner rather than later. There can be no doubt that the U.S. has the capacity to protect its people and home land without occupying other countries.

With leadership and courage the President can put the country and its people on the right path for this decade and do those things that really matter and make a difference.


Anonymous said...

I like the part about showing lobbyist and special interest groups the door. That would be campaign finance reform with out having to make any new laws. You can not get any more basic than that and of course you are right when you say it takes courage. The news media would be talking about that for years to come. What a change that would be. That would be the biggest story of the century.

Anonymous said...

There has been a lot of positive news in the last week concerning the economy. Obama has to build on this and stay in tuned to his priority for the country. There will continue to be republican distractions and Obama will have to show a little bit of Truman character.