Saturday, February 6, 2010

Cal Thomas: Another "Ditto Head" Journalist

The Cal Thomas editorial titled, "Obama's Q and A With The GOP" shows how uninformed conservatives are with the words, progressive, the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence. Thomas has the ditto head mentality of republican conservatives who try to offer talking points about democrats that are devoid of truth and reality and offer nothing more than the standard ideology of hoping any thing they say about democrats stick. The same Karl Rove mentality of believing if the same lie is repeated over and over the people will accept it as the truth.

Thomas is still pushing across the board tax cuts to spur economic growth. George Bush tried that old worn out trickle down economics that resulted in a failed economy and the worst job creation since Herbert Hoover. Thomas and his conservative brothers still think of themselves as elite who know everything and want complete control of people's lives. His comment about Warren Buffett shows he has no clue of what President Obama was talking about. Thomas does not think the wealthy has any responsibilities at all.

If one puts the various editorials side by side that are written or broadcasts by conservative journalists over a period of time a picture is drawn that is really pitiful. It would show the same talking points over and over with no journalistic distinction for the sole purpose to discredit democrats. It reminds me of office break ins where evidence is tried to be obtained when there is no evidence at all except in the warped ideology of conservatives. In other words, create the illusion like Saddam being involved in the tragic attack of 9-11.

President Obama needs to remain strong like President Truman was in dealing with republicans. Their failed policies and ideology should not be allowed to repeat it self any time soon.

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