Thursday, March 11, 2010

Karl Rove: The Nobody Of Conservatism

I wrote a post in 2008 after Karl Rove left the Bush Administration and announced his resignation. I wrote that Rove was resigning so he could write a book in order to rewrite the history of the Bush administration. And now, sure enough, that book has been released titled, "Courage and Consequence: My Life As A Conservative In The Fight." What has been learned so far from the book is that Rove indeed wrote this book to rewrite the history of the war in Iraq and the Katrina aftermath.

The title of the book does not fit the author because Rove has no courage. Also he has the same problem as most political conservatives who put their warped ideology first and never talk about being an American. The details of Rove's comments on Iraq and Katrina do not have to be repeated here because the true facts were exposed long ago about Iraq and Katrina.

I have often noted Rove's tactic of repeating the same lies over and over again, mis-statements over and over again with the idea that if Americans hear the same thing over and over it will become the truth. That is the idea behind republican talking points and the book itself in trying to make the public believe what really happened never did.

Former Louisiana governor Kathleen Blanco said it best when she said in reference to Rove's book. It's very obvious to me that he was in some other world. It's just hard for his book to be taken seriously, it is not a historical piece." Former Governor Blanco showed her courage when she put the state and people first and decided not to seek re-election. She did so and one of the reasons why was she knew politics would make Katrina a political football during the campaign and she thought the state and people deserved better.

Conservatism as practiced by many who are in the political arena can best be described as anti-American. Rove's rewrite of the facts concerning the Iraq war and Katrina shows just how pitiful a person he really is.

Note: See my two part series: The Rosetta Stone to The Iraq War dated 12/8 and 12/11 of 2007.

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