Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Another Good Jobs Report For April

The U.S. Department of Labor reported that the economy added 290,000 jobs in April, the largest monthly total in four years. The job gains were widespread. Unemployment rose from 9.7% in March to 9.9% in April, mainly because a flood of 805,000 job seekers, feeling better about their prospects resumed their searches for work.

The Labor Department sketched out a picture of a healing jobs market, growing consumer confidence and an economy picking up momentum per the Associated Press. President Obama welcomed the good news but said there is still much to be done to put all Americans back to work and that he would continue to be active in doing so. A stark contrast from the previous administration.

The President and Congress need to continue to answer the call on the economy and do what is necessary to continue economic expansion and put the country in a position of a sustained economy and job creation. They should also see to it that what ever actions they believe have to be taken will have the effect of reducing the federal deficit and debt. There is still a precedent for doing that and it is called the Clinton Administration.

History can indeed repeat itself for the better if we learn from the past. The past is still the key to the future.

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