Sunday, May 30, 2010

U.S. Representative Steve Scalise: Another Embarrassing Moment

Steve Scalise whose oral pronouncements seem to indicate he is a student of Newt Gingrich and the far right is at it again. In an editorial in USA Today dated May 28 he uses the whole editorial to condemn President Obama's action concerning the BP oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. His ditto head mentality of playing the blame game fits right in with the conservative record of zero accomplishments.

Scalise was part of the Bush administration in Washington that gave the green light to the oil and gas industry to drill baby drill without oversight. After the worst oil spill in the Gulf, Scalise says he is concerned for Louisiana's ecosystems, environment and economy. In Scalise's whole editorial not once does he mention BP or its responsibility for the leak and the resulting damage to the Louisiana coast, ecosystems, environment or the economy. What we see is the typical anti-American ideology Scalise and many other republicans preach.

This is how Scalise ends his editorial. There is no place in this crisis for inaction or partisan politics. We want action, not finger pointing from our commander in chief. That last paragraph actually describes hypocrite Scalise himself and what his editorial was all about. Its pretty hard to think of any other Louisiana representative who served in the U.S. House that was so incompetent. That says it all.

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