Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Another Tuition Increase For Louisiana Public Colleges

In a reported story by the Associated Press, students returning to Louisiana's public colleges and two year community colleges will be faced with an 8 to 10% increase in tuition this year. The reason? Legislation passed by the Louisiana Legislature, backed and signed into law by Governor Jindal. Prior to this new law the legislature had to approve any increase in tuition. The legislators and Jindal got themselves off the hook of approving college tuition increases by allowing the colleges to act alone in the matter. No courage or leadership there.

Budget cuts recommended by Jindal to the legislature for higher education was adopted to balance the budgets which the governor and legislature still do not have a handle on. Colleges said they had to have more revenue to balance the budget cuts, hence, the increase in tuition. Once again, our so called leaders are brain dead concerning the budget and how to deal with the states fiscal problems.

It has been pointed out here in "politidose" and in other commentary how budget cuts under this administration has affected the average taxpayer at the same time the budget contains $7-8 billion in corporate welfare to those who need it the least and where no cuts have been made. The Saints who are owned by a multi millionaire is a prime example. Mr. Benson is laughing all the way to the bank. One can hear him saying to himself those dummies fell for it again.

This writer has pointed out on many occasions how so called conservative elected officials have stuck it to the average citizen in a hundred different ways under the guise of smaller government at a time of severe economic conditions. Let there be no mistake, under this administration the average citizen will continue to see his quality of life and economic status decline.

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