Monday, September 6, 2010

Another Silly Times Picayune Editorial

The Times Picayune in its editorial opinion of September 2 under the heading "Seafood Image Is BP's To Fix" is another reminder how the newspaper, like many Louisiana elected officials want to pass everything off to BP and the federal government. This time they want BP to pay for fixing the image of Louisiana seafood being safe to consume.

Never mind that federal and state inspectors have found the seafood to be safe and we in Louisiana are eating it daily. (This writer had a catfish poboy just yesterday and President Obama had a seafood poboy last week) More area's of the Gulf have also been opened for commercial and recreational fishing but we are told customers out side of Louisiana do not feel comfortable in eating the seafood.

That means the state, the seafood industry in general (including restaurants) our tourist commission and yes even the Times Picayune has to be the ones to get the word out and pay for it. Leaving the problem up to BP won't cut it and neither will passing the buck and acting like cry babies. Louisiana's seafood industry is a $4 billion enterprise says the TP editorial and in this writers opinion it is up to Louisiana to take the responsibility to see it stays that way.

It is ironic that editorial editors of the TP don't blame BP for the moratorium, they blame President Obama, but they blame BP and want to hold them liable for the perception and image out side Louisiana that Gulf seafood is not safe to eat. I guess the TP realized it would be to much of a stretch to blame Obama for the perception and image so they looked to BP. The TP has adopted the methods of some of our political leaders, "pass the blame to some one else."

BP needs to be held accountable for the damage resulting from its rig explosion and the leaking of oil in the Gulf and the damage it caused and that is what should be pursued. President Obama and the federal government has handled the problem well and has been and still is engaged. It is time for the TP, Louisiana's elected officials and the seafood industry to do its part and assume the responsibility of getting the correct story out concerning Louisiana seafood to out of state customers.

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