Thursday, November 11, 2010

The Louisiana Department of Revenue's Tax Exemption Budget

Is a 400 plus page budget that lists over $7 billion of tax exemptions and tax breaks for individuals and companies each year. This writer made several commentaries in the past that deal with the subject matter. Jindal and the legislature has kept their hands off this give away of the tax payers money while at the same time cutting the budget concerning higher education and health care in order to balance the state past several budgets that were supposed to be balanced.

The Times Picayune of 11/7 gave two examples of the above waste. (1) $660,000.00 last year for tax reductions to liquor and wine dealers because they paid their taxes accurately and timely. How about that, I wonder how the average tax payer feels about this $660,000.00 give away just because liquor and wine dealers paid their taxes on time. Does that mean they were delinquent before they received this special treatment. And what does the average tax payer receive for paying his taxes on time. The Shaft.

(2) $170 million in investment tax credits and other breaks annually for insurers that are tracked by the Department of Insurance. This waste of tax payers money is the height of obscenity. Insurers raise their rates at will and make tons of money and they get these kinds of tax breaks at the expense of taxpayers who are always faced with premium increases from their insurers.

Jindal and the legislature have not found the courage or back bone to eliminate this $7 billion give away to the people who least need it and really do something for the average Louisiana citizen. As I have commented many time here in "politidose", conservative republicans get into the average citizens pocket a hundred different kind of ways. Their slogan, no new taxes is part of their con game. Unfortunately too many voters fall for this game they play. They are ignorant of the facts and do not take the time to really absorb what is really going on in government. What a shame.

1 comment :

Anonymous said...

Jindal nor the legislators have any courage when it comes to give away of the tax payers money. In fact they have no original thought process.