Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Presidents Reagan, Bush 41 and Bush 43: The Axis of Runaway Deficit Spending and Debt

If those three so called conservative republican Presidents would have balanced the federal budget during the 20 years they served the country would not be going through the fiscal nightmare we find ourselves in today. Make no mistake, the coming assault against Social Security, Medicare and other needed programs, increase in taxes that will be borne mainly by the middle class and continued tax breaks for corporate America will be the vehicle that will be used to reduce the national debt. That works hand in hand with the ideology of Reagan, Bush 41 and Bush 43 and the republican party in their attempt to bankrupt the federal government.

The republicans rubber stamped their record deficit spending and debt and made no attempt to pay for such spending along the way. Now since a democrat is in the White House they have seen the Lord and are seeking to cut the budget and pay for various legislation except for their own priority like the extension of tax cuts for the wealthy. Their ideology dictates the wealthy should be exempt from any sacrifice and pain.

The Deficit Reduction and National Debt Commission appointed by the President to study the problem has come up with recommendations that will mostly impact the middle class in an effort to get deficit spending and debt under control. The commission took no position on the extension of the Bush tax cuts even though those taxes that cover the wealthy if extended will add billions of dollars to the national debt and do nothing to stimulate the economy. So much for fairness by the commission.

Conservative republican administrations that preach "no new taxes" have been getting into the pockets of the middle class for years and the present time is the worse. The bill has come due on the reckless spending of republicans, the transfer of wealth has been complete from the middle class to the wealthy. Reagan has passed away and Bush 41 and Bush 43 are no longer in office and could care less about the damage their reckless spending and debt has harmed the country and its people. The irony of it all is that Bush 43 has been promoting his new book about his years in the White House and journalists are falling all over each other to interview him but I have not heard one journalist ask him about his record deficit spending and the $6.1 trillion added to the national debt on his watch.

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