Saturday, April 30, 2011

We Don't Have A Revenue Problem, We Have A Spending Problem: Source: The Republicans

The first statement is false. The second statement is true. The spending problem alluded to above happened on the watch of Reagan, Bush 41 and Bush 43 but the republicans won't tell America that. Spending was not a problem under Bill Clinton and was not a problem under the first fiscal year budget of President Obama as federal spending was down 1.6% compared to Bush 43 last fiscal year budget.

Federal spending for the past 30 plus years as reported here in politidose (see note 1) has gotten out of control on the republican watch, not the democratic watch. The problem is journalists in the news media never correct the republican lies about federal spending. Conservatives believe if they repeat the same lies over and over the people will accept those lies as fact. Too many voters have bought into those lies and are now discovering what the republican party is really up too especially the tee party people.

The federal government does have a revenue problem because of the trickle down economic ideology of Reagan, Bush 41 and Bush 43. Their tax cuts for the wealthy and corporate America reflect less taxes being paid to the federal government by both groups. Both groups income has sky rocketed while the income of the middle class has declined.

Reagan was first to proclaim the title of this commentary and then broke all deficit spending records at the time during his 8 years in office and the national debt increased 186% on his watch. He failed to tell the people it would be Reagan himself who gave Washington a "spending problem." During Reagans 8 years in office total federal spending increased 75%.

Those who speak for the republican party today have no character, no courage, no respect for the country or its people and no respect for the truth. They embrace an unAmerican ideology, are aware of its implications and are determined to kill any social program that helps America and its people.

The country and its people are fortunate that President Clinton came along when he did. If it were not for the Clinton administrations positive effect for the middle class I hate to think where the average American would be doing today.

Note 1: See Federal Spending: Facts vs. Myth, dated October 31, 2009

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