Thursday, June 16, 2011

Finally An Elected Public Official Takes On The NFL, Knows what is important and Puts American Values First

In a story carried by the Times Picayune in the sports section dated June 10, first year Hawaii governor democrat Neil Abercrombie in a comment to the Pro Bowl returning to Hawaii said: Its so stupid that the cash strapped state pays millions to host the Pro Bowl when the money could be used for education. He opposes a deal the state made in 2009 to pay $4 million per game for the rights to hold the NFL's all star game in Hawaii this and next year.

He also went on to say you can't do things like give $4 million bucks to a $9 billion football industry and not give any money to children. You've got this spectacle of these multimillionaires and billionaires out there arguing about how they're going to divide it up, and then they come and ask us to bribe them with $4 million to have a scrimmage out here in paradise. We have got to get our values straight and our priorities straight.

God bless you governor Abercrombie for your comments and having the courage to speak out against a wealthy industry, wealthy ownership, wealthy players and a wealthy commissioner who are at this very moment in litigation to decide how to shower them selves with $9 billion of revenue. The first thing they should do with the $9 billion is pay back the tax payers of the states whose elected officials give these millionaire owners corporate welfare to begin with. They do not need it and do not deserve it. The states can use the money to enhance the quality of life for its people and pay for needed services.

This is one of the prime examples how corporate America has been transferring wealth to the wealthy from the middle class. In my state, Louisiana, our elected officials have been given corporate welfare to the New Orleans Saints and their owner since they have been in business. Yet republican governor Jindal and the Louisiana legislature has been running a budget deficit every year since Jindal took office. Every year the governor and legislature meet, cut millions of dollars from the budget, announce the budget is in balance and then before the budget year is over the people are told the budget is not in balance and millions more have to be cut.

I can just hear the NFL owners and players when they get together. Their conversations must go something like this: We have those stupid elected officials in our pockets. They believe every thing we say and are willing to give us every thing we want for the almighty dollar. Governor Abercrombie is more than just a cut above those elected officials who support the NFL's appetite for corporate welfare. He has values, courage and puts his state and the people's needs first. That says it all. Best of luck governor.

Note 1: Governor Abercrombie also said the NFL can ship the game back to Florida if it continues to require Hawaii to pay to keep it in the islands. Way to go Governor.

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