Monday, August 22, 2011

America The Beautiful: Polluted By A Right Wing Republican Conservative Ideology

No longer is America The Beautiful as seen thru the eyes of the leaders of today's right wing conservative republican party. It started with the election of Ronald Reagan. Mr. Reagan preached that government was the problem. It was too big and too expensive Reagan said and when he left office he was the biggest spender of them all and the biggest deficit spender at that. The national debt increased 186% on his watch. Reagan's attack on the federal government was an attack on the American people, for without the people there would be no government. The baton was passed down that bread the leaders of the republican party that we know today.

Those leaders of the right wing conservative republican party today think of themselves as the elite and look down on everyone else, especially the middle class and those who are truly in need. They lack character, courage, American ideals and the basis integrity in dealing with those things that really matter and make a difference to our country and its people. They are shallow individuals who are indifferent to America and its people's needs. They prefer the wealthy, corporate America and their lobby. They openly lie to the people on matters of importance and engage in personal attacks because they have no record of accomplishments or progress they can talk about.

They can not compete with the voice of reason, it makes them feel inadequate,they talk tough but have no substance. They have never seen a record republican federal deficit they did not love or a national debt increase that bothered them in the least. The past republican administration is a great example.

Those party leaders of today put their anti American ideology before America, its needs and their candidates running for the republican Presidential nomination are running on an anti American platform. They would rather see the President and the country fail and have no real policy or program to keep America the Beautiful. They like to project themselves as "hawkish" but they are really "chicken" because they are not capable of debating the real issues. They hide behind the wedge issues of abortion, gay marriage, the separation of church and state. They have backed off "family values" since they have proved to be hypocrites on the subject matter.

Serving the general needs of the country and its people are not part of their being a public servant. To them America the Beautiful is no longer acceptable. They have substituted their anti American ideology for everything Beautiful America has always stood for. And that really says it all.

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