Monday, August 15, 2011

The American Electorate: Out Of The Loop On Facts

The American voters ignored the facts concerning the economy, job creation and balancing the federal budget when they voted the republican party to once again lead the U.S. House that gave the country a split congress. The electorate easily forgot that it was the policies of a republican President and his party that gave the country an economic calamity with record job losses, a financial industry failure and who reversed President Clinton's balanced budgets in the very first fiscal year budget of George W. Bush. A disastrous turn around for the country and its people in such a short time.

Then came the mid term election in November that gave the republican party control of the U.S. House. The party that vowed not to work with the President received the backing of the electorate despite the past horrible performance of the republic party that should have been fresh in the voters mind. To make matters worse they elected the extreme element of the republic party, the tea party. The voters used excuses like, "send them a message" and other hype to justify their actions. And now eight months later the republicans in congress continue their opposition to the President's agenda that would move the country and its people forward.

The Obama administration bailed the economy out of the ditch, arrested the record job losses and once again created new jobs that put the GDP back in positive territory. The voters wanted a miracle however because they thought the recovery and job creation was too slow. They forgot about the past record of the republicans failure, the severity of the recession and the fact that it took almost 10 years for our country to recover from the great depression. The Bush and republican meltdown was more than just the average recession.

So the electorate forgot about the past in their eagerness for a miracle and launched by their vote the republican farce that played out in extending the debt ceiling. The republicans looking to hold on to everything responded by voting against everything that would move the country forward by using the false claim of having a mandate by the electorate. No such mandate actually exist and the country and the voters who wanted change now find the country in worse shape since the November elections.

The tactics being used by the republicans in the U.S. house to keep the economy crippled until the next Presidential election is anti-American. It is nothing new and the voters knew that when they went to the polls to vote. The republican party, especially the tea party are laughing out loud that they fooled the voters once again. The voters are also finding out that the tea party took little time to align themselves with corporate America and their lobby to grab a share of campaign contributions.

It was President Clinton who reversed 12 straight years of record deficit spending by the Reagan -Bush administrations, paid down debt, accumulated surpluses and put our house in fiscal order. The republicans are not about to let Obama do the same thing after the George W. Bush disaster. That is what is behind the republican party's anti-American ideology.

Total federal spending at the end of President Obama's first fiscal year budget was down 1.6% from the previous last fiscal year budget of George W. Bush. The first time total federal spending was down in over 50 years. But what the hell, what voter needed those facts. They would rather listen to the republican hype and out right falsehoods. Those voter can not now claim they did not know what would happen because the past record of the republican party tells the true story and speaks for itself.

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