Thursday, September 22, 2011

The Do Nothing Republicans In Congress

If that sounds familiar it is because President Truman said that more than 50 years ago in discribing the republican party that served in congress on his watch. Not much has changed for the republican party for in the year 2011 they still rate as the "do nothing congress."

One would think the party were capable of stepping out of the past but their anti American ideology has proven too hard to shake loose from. They refuse to learn from the past because they still have the same problem of the inability to debate the issues and because of their inadequate feelings. The partys debates is a good example. It is a rerun of the many past republican debates and void of the real issues the country faces.

Truman knew how to deal with the republican party's "do nothing agenda"and President Obama is still learning. The past tells us the democratic party and a democratic President are still the best hope of moving the country and its people away from the past and still the best for solving the serious problems we face as a nation. The future will be bright as long as we keep democrats in our "democracy."

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