Monday, September 5, 2011

A New Low For Eric Cantor, Steve Scalise and Jeff Landry

Once again it took a disaster to bring out the worst in tea party republicans Cantor, Scalise and Landry. Cantor started it all after hurricane Irene hit the eastern coast when he said any federal aid to help the area should be matched by cuts to the federal budget. Louisiana's reps, Steve Scalise and Jeff Landry agreed like the ditto heads they are. Those are the same two who took up the fight in favor of the oil industry after the BP blowout and oil spill that killed 11 workers.

This is just another group of three stooges the conservatives cultivate from time to time. They are far right radicals and practice such an anti American ideology it is hard to think they were actually elected to congress. Both Cantor and Scalise were part of George W. Bush's record deficit spending spree and creation of record debt, a failed economy and record job losses.

The three stooges are void of having any wisdom, courage or character. The scary part is that they have no understanding of what democracy and humankind are all about. They think of themselves as elite but really show their ass. They are a loud mouth, plenty to say but no substance. That is really the trade mark of those three stooges.

None of the three stooges can debate the real issues because they have no positive record of accomplishments. That is why they and their party are always engaged in personal attacks. All three exhibit the trait of being insecure and ditto head followers. The strange thing is that they even look the part.

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