Monday, September 12, 2011

The Oil Industry, Their Lobby and Louisiana's Elected Officials are Proven Wrong Once Again

Does any one remember the dire predictions concerning the moratorium on Gulf drilling after the BP oil explosion and spill? The prediction was doom and gloom, 20,000 to 30,000 rig workers laid off and economic ruin for them. President Obama convinced BP to set aside $100 million to take care of their predicted plight. And who were those making those dire predictions? You are right, the ones listed in the title above.

But now comes David Hammer, staff writer in a Times Picayune article dated 9/7 pointing out that only 755 workers were affected who qualified for $11.4 million. A far cry from the 20,000 to 30,000 workers and the $100 million that was set aside. The article also points out the balance of the money will now be used for other area's that were harmed.

The oil industry, their lobby and those Louisiana elected officials who toe the oil industry line because of the industry's wealth and campaign contributions are always predicting doom and gloom. It goes back many years. They are now predicting doom and gloom because President Obama wants to end the special tax breaks afforded the oil industry for over 40 years. They are using the same lies, loss of jobs, loss of production, more dependent on foreign oil and etc.

When Edwin Edwards was elected governor in the 1970's outgoing governor John McKiethen left the state with a $30 million state deficit. Edwards proposed to eliminate the state natural gas tax rebates to Louisiana manufacturing that was costing the state millions of dollars in loss revenue. He also proposed raising the tax on natural gas. The oil industry, their lobby and certain elected officials opposed, given the same old worn out reasons given today, loss of jobs, loss of production, more dependent on foreigh oil and etc. Well the measures passed and sure enough the predicted doom and gloom never happened. Governor Edwards knew the oil industry as well as they knew themselves.

The oil industry, their lobby and those elected officials who do their bidding are proven liars. The voters who continue to believe their fairy tale predictions have no use for the facts. The doom and gloom talking points are the longest running fairy tale this writer can ever remember. That really says it all.

Note: It should be noted the Times Picayune also opposed the moratorium and gladly published the doom and gloom predictions. It should also be noted that at the time the T.P. opposed the moratorium BP was taking out full page ads in their paper almost on a daily basis.

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