Saturday, March 10, 2012

Bounty Hunting: New Orleans Saints Style

The more news that comes out of professional sports, especially the NFL, the less my interest becomes. Now the sports world and fans are being exposed to the disapperance of sportsmanship in professional football. Thanks to the revelations concerning the New Orleans Saints football team we now know the defensive unit was paid a bounty to hurt their opponent players and knock them out of the game.

Pro players are supposed to be role models to the fans, especially the young, but they lost their character and responsible adult behavior along the way because they think they are above it all. They are a spoiled bunch who are all overpaid and are given "idol" stature. Defensive coordinator Gregg Williams has apoligized, said it was wrong, knew it was wrong but did not stop it. Sean Payton and Mickey Loomis also apologized. They are men with authority but they looked the other way. Winning at any cost appears to be all that matters.

If there ever was a time when the NFL commissioner needs to stand up it is right now. The penalties and suspensions should be severe and serve notice that such blatant actions will not be condoned or tolerated. Greed by the owners, the players and the NFL itself has corrupted professional football and elected officials have contributed to this greed by giving owners corporate welfare using tax payers money when it is not needed. Last year the owners and players divided up $9 billion of revenue. Greed runs deep.

Sports journalists will continue to put the players on a pedestal. The ones in New Orleans are now carrying the torch for Drew Brees. They think he should be paid what ever he wants and are playing the chicken little franchise game. This past season the sky fell in on the Saints in the second playoff game. Last season the sky fell in on the first playoff game and to a team with a loosing record.

The sport itself is the big looser along with the fans and the young ones who are looking for direction. The owners, coaches and players have not lived up the their responsibility. Over and over they have demonstrated their feeling of being above it all and that they do not have to abide by any rules. Greed makes them feel invincible.

To those who make the excuse that football is a rough game and players get hurt is the usual cop out. What a shame.

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