Friday, September 21, 2012

Mitt Romney And The 47 Percenters

Mitt Romney's comment concerning the "47%" that was caught on tape at a fundraiser really defines Romney's lack of knowledge and respect for the average American and also those Americans who are not wealthy. 

Romney was actually born into another world that the average American is not exposed to.  He has no idea how the 47% live, work and get along.  Nor does he have any idea what it is like to lack affordable health care or a job.  That is the Rosetta Stone to he and his wealthy backers who are trying to buy this Presidential election.

Romney has never served in the armed forces like millions of the 47 percenters have and as a result can not relate to them, their families or their hardships.  He could not even find time to talk about the military at the republican national convention or the war going on in Afghanistan where they are in harms way.

The big problem is that Romney represents a republican conservative ideology that is unAmerican and also represents what the leadership of the republican party in and out of congress stands for today.  The news media reported that those people at the fundraising in question paid $50,000.00 a pop to attend.  Does anyone think any of the 47% attended this fundraiser?  It just reinforces where Romney's allegiance lie.

America and its people can not afford to turn America over to an ideology that is unAmerican and anti middle class.  We the people have worked too hard to move democracy forward.

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