Saturday, January 26, 2013

The Phoniness Of Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal And The National Republican Party

Jindal and republican leaders met in Charlotte, N.C., recently to try and figure out why their candidate Mitt Romney lost the 2012 presidential election.  They acknowledged the urgent need to make their party more welcoming to a broader cross section of America according to an article published in the Times Picayune dated Jan. 25, 2013.

Governor Jindal said it was time to recalibrate the compass of conservatism.  Now that is what I call a brilliant observation from the little boy governor.  Not only is he the leader of the "stupid party" in Louisiana, he is a co sponsor of the republican party's attempt to put lipstick on a pig by changing the brand name of their unAmerican conservative ideology.

The republican party and Jindal's position during the 2012 election was to personally attack President Obama, his policies and his job performance which is their basic s.o.p. and talking points.  When the voters rejected their phoniness, their feeling of being elite was deflated.  The reelection of Obama prompted the little boy governor to say "republicans had to stop being the stupid party."  Now everyone knows that Jindal was part of that "stupid party" during the campaign with his stupid comments.

Jindal thinks of himself as a national candidate but as this writer expressed here in an earlier comment, he does not have the qualifications and will not be on any national ticket.  A close examination of Jindal's record as governor of Louisiana will reveal just how much harm he has done to the state.  Jindal and the republican party by their unAmerican ideology have exposed how phony they really are.

This commentary was posted by John Lucia.

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