Sunday, March 3, 2013

How President Obama Should Handle The Sequester Issue

If congress does nothing to end the sequester that they themselves are responsible for President Obama should start the cutting process with the defense budget.  He should immediately cut the billions of dollars to the defense budget that was over the amount that he asked congress for and the joint chief's of staff said they did not need but was added on and passed by congress any way.  No harm done there since those added billions are pure and simple "pork".

Then the President should use those same guide lines to cut every department.  Every one knows that congress adds billions of dollars to every department's budget simply because that is how congress works to protect itself and do favors for those campaign contributions they receive.

The President should then use his powers of the Presidency so that other cuts he makes do no harm to the economic recovery, job creation, the middle class, social security, medicare and medicaid.  The President has that inherit power to protect America and its people even if it goes against any sequester requirements.

Obama needs to stand tall and use his powers to over come the obstruction of the unAmerican ideology that is bent on self indulgence.  Yes America, the President and his ideas and policy positions won the November elections and that is the way the country needs to go for his final term in office.  It is also a time for the voters to stand tall and support the President.

This commentary written by John Lucia

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